What will you learn about?

  • Access various risks business owners face, and help mitigate those risks through business structure, insurance and derivatives
  • Understand a business owner’s needs for cash management, risk management, trade finance and credit financing and the bank products that can meet these needs
  • Develop tax efficient income distribution strategies for business owners
  • Help business owners with valuing and selling business and succession planning
  • Identify taxation considerations with respect to personal international investment income
  • Help executives with complex compensation and retirement planning
  • Help snowbirds with financial and taxation planning

How will you learn?

  • Consists of seven independent modules
  • Each module consists of PDF and E-Pub files (accessible on mobile devices) and an online quiz
  • Modules are completed when you pass the online quiz
  • Module completions result in CE credits being awarded, earn CE credits incrementally as you progress through the course
  • Once you complete all modules within the course, you will earn a Micro-Certificate generating a digital badge

What is the course syllabus?

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Module 1 - Protecting a Client's Small Business (CIRO CE PD Credits: 4)

In this module, you will learn about the importance of protecting small businesses from various risks they may face. You will learn the risks related to different business structures and the importance of choosing a structure that is most suitable for a particular business. We also explain how business owners can protect themselves and their businesses using various types of insurance including, life, disability, property, liability, and business overhead insurance. Finally, you will learn how key person insurance can help with business continuity in cases where a business owner or key employee dies, becomes disabled, or faces claims from creditors.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Define business risk
  • Explain how a business owner client can protect assets from creditors’ claims
  • Explain how a business owner client can differentiate business taxation through the choice of business structure
  • Assess a business owner’s need for commercial/property insurance and make suitable recommendations
  • Assess a business owner’s need for life insurance and make suitable recommendations
  • Assess a business owner’s need for liability insurance and make suitable recommendations
  • Assess a business owner’s exposure to market risks and make appropriate protection recommendations using derivatives
  • Identify the types of treasury risks businesses may face

Module 2 - Identifying a Private Client's Corporate Banking Needs (CIRO CE PD Credits: 3)

In this module, you will learn about the client’s corporate banking needs. You will learn questioning techniques to help the client identify their treasury management needs regarding cash management, risk management, trade finance, and lending. The module will describe the various tools and products available that you will recommend to the client to address these needs. It explains the importance of the main accounting ratios your lending partner will review in order to determine the type and amount of credit offered to your client.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Explain the various types of information gathered, and methods of gathering this information, in a client discovery process
  • Describe the organization’s structure, products, and services available to meet your client’s treasury management needs
  • Explain the various cash management products used to make daily cash management decisions
  • Describe the various foreign exchange, interest rate, and commodity price risks that corporations may be exposed to and the products used to mitigate these risks
  • Describe some trade finance mechanisms that reconcile the divergent needs of an exporter and importer
  • Explain why businesses borrow money and the various types of commercial credit facilities available
  • Describe the most common topics the lending partner will discuss with the client

Module 3 - Business Succession Planning (CIRO CE PD Credits: 4)

In this module, you will learn about the importance of business succession planning. You will learn about various options available for valuing a business, transferring a business, and financing options available to the new owner or owners. Business owners usually want to minimize tax when finally making the decision to leave their business. Therefore, various tax strategies will be addressed in this module.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Identify reasons why succession planning is important and why it is not done by many business owners
  • Suggest viable options for business succession to your small business clients
  • Describe various valuation techniques and approaches
  • Differentiate different sources of business sales financing
  • Describe several ways to fund a buy-sell agreement
  • Describe the techniques available to avoid or defer payment of taxes when planning for the succession of a client’s business
  • Describe the role and duties of an executor in winding up the business of someone who is deceased

Module 4 - Tax Planning for Small Businesses (CIRO CE PD Credits: 1)

In this module, we discuss tax planning for small businesses. You will learn the rules regarding income sprinkling, taxation of passive investment income, and  tax refunds on dividend payments. You will also learn several traditional tax planning strategies that can be used to minimize a company’s tax bill.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Explain taxation of small businesses
  • Explain salary versus dividend planning
  • Summarize tax planning strategies for a business owner

Module 5 - International Taxation for Canadian Residents (CIRO CE PD Credits: 4)

In this module, you will learn about the taxation of income from an international perspective. We focus in particular on personal investment income and the methods investors use to avoid double taxation. We also discuss the domestic and international laws that various countries have put in place to prevent the loss of tax revenue.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Describe double taxation and the various measures used to prevent the non-declaration of assets
  • Describe the sources of international tax law and how they interrelate, as well as various tax treaties
  • List and describe the various jurisdictional tax requirements as they relate to residency
  • Summarize the rules for source country taxation
  • Describe the various tax relief exemptions under domestic tax law
  • List and describe the most commonly used offshore entities
  • List the various treaty havens and special concessions
  • Describe the various anti-haven and anti-avoidance measures
  • List the measures used to prevent the non-declaration of foreign assets

Module 6 - Financial Planning for Snowbirds (CIRO CE PD Credits: 5)

In this module, we cover important information that Canadians living or working in the United States for any length of time should know about U.S. taxation. You will learn about U.S. income tax laws and tax issues around purchasing real property in the U.S. as a Canadian citizen. You will also learn about retirement and estate planning issues for the so-called snowbirds who spend time every year in both countries. Furthermore, we discuss the different types of insurance (medical and property insurance) snowbirds should have and the differences between insurance provisions in the U.S. and Canada. Finally, you will learn about the requirements for Canadians seeking permanent residency in the U.S., whether as a lone citizen or as a spouse married to a U.S. citizen.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Summarize the U.S. taxation rules for Canadian snowbirds
  • Calculate the substantial presence test
  • Explain how to purchase and finance a U.S property
  • Explain how snowbirds are taxed when they earn rental income or when they sell their U.S. real property
  • Determine how various forms of U.S. investment income are taxed in the U.S. and Canada
  • Explain what to consider when managing a snowbird’s portfolio
  • Explain how snowbirds qualify for Canadian and U.S. social security benefits
  • Determine the calculation of U.S. estate tax
  • Explain some strategies to reduce or eliminate U.S. estate tax
  • Explain how a snowbird could manage risk with insurance products
  • Explain what snowbirds should consider if moving to the U.S.

Module 7 - Executive Compensation (CIRO CE PD Credits: 3)

In today’s highly competitive corporate landscape, one of the most important enticements that employers use to attract and retain key personnel is generous compensation packages. This is in addition to a suitable work culture with strong workplace relationships and opportunities for growth and advancement. As a financial advisor to executives and senior managers, you must be able to guide these wealthy clients through the various features of their compensation and help them make good financial choices.

In this module, you will learn about the key components of executive compensation, including base pay, bonuses, stock options, deferred compensation, executive benefits, and alternative retirement plans. You will be able to explain to your clients the various features of their compensation package and point out the taxation and financial planning issues and consequences that will need to be considered.

Topics covered in this module are:

  • Discuss the reason for the growth of bonuses rather than base pay and how each is taxed
  • Provide examples of basic employment benefits and how each is taxed
  • Describe the features, taxation, and exercise options of Canadian and US stock options
  • Describe the growth, features, and taxation of deferred share units
  • Describe the features and taxation of deferred cash incentives
  • Discuss the components and taxation of executive benefit programs
  • Discuss the use and taxation of supplemental executive retirement plans
  • Describe the features and taxation of other retirement vehicles offered to management and executives