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Better understand your clients' unique financial needs and goals to build positive client relationships with the CFSA.
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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
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Explore different roles and opportunities available in the financial services industry and view the recommended courses and credentials.
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Explore continuing education courses and meet your requirements for CSI, CIRO, CSF and other professional associations or certifications.
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Get started with the Personal Financial Services Advice (PFSA) course to enhance your soft skills and build profitable client relationships.
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Explore different roles and opportunities available in the financial services industry and view the recommended courses and credentials.
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Write your exam through Remote Proctoring from any location (including your home) or In-Person at one of our test centres.
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Meet the highest standards of experience & education for financial professionals with CSI certificates, designations & fellowship.
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Join an elite group of leaders in financial services and make a meaningful impact for your clients with the Fellow of CSI (FCSI®).
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Master financial planning skills with the ISO and FSRA-certified Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation.
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Learn how to manage money on a discretionary basis for sophisticated clients with Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®).
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Establish your credibility to address the unique needs of affluent clients with Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM).
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Gain expertise in the regulations and tax implications that are crucial for management and transfer of wealth with MTI®.
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Talent Pro connects organizations with qualified and licensed candidates to fill active opportunities in the banking industry.
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Talent Pro connects organizations with qualified and licensed candidates to fill active opportunities in the banking industry.
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During Financial Literacy Month we aim to help Canadians understand their finances better & navigate the changing economic landscape.
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CSI Podium offers designation holders opportunities to speak on topics to benefit their clients, colleagues, and the investing public via webinars.
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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
Being successful in your course requires you to study effectively. If you have been out of school for some time or if your study skills are rusty, you may find the following comments useful.
After the general direction of the chapter is understood, you can then go back and begin to read it in more depth to get a detailed understanding of its content. It helps to be an active reader: highlighting important information, making notes and jotting down questions.
It may be helpful to prepare a list of technical words, phrases, formulae and ratios that are unfamiliar when you are reading course material. Beside each item on the list, write a brief definition and page reference to the text where the item is discussed. This glossary will help you memorize the terms and definitions required for your exam(s).
It may also be helpful to prepare a brief, point-form summary of complex course concepts. These summaries will reinforce this information and help you prepare for your exam(s).
To enhance your learning and help you understand and remember key concepts, online courses include interactive lessons and quizzes. Some print-based courses include workbooks that include chapter summaries and review questions. It is recommended that you utilize all available learning resources for each course.
You should not attempt your exam(s) until you are fully prepared. Attending a seminar or reading the material once does not constitute full preparation. It is essential to focus on the course text(s) supplied by CSI. Notes or guides produced by third parties may be helpful as a supplement to CSI materials however, they are not a substitute for diligent study. Please note that CSI is not affiliated with any outside providers and does not endorse their products.
If nervousness is interfering with your ability to focus during the exam, take ten deep, slow breaths. This will only take about 60 seconds and should help you regain your calmness for the remainder of the exam.
To avoid wasting time and potential transfer errors, make sure that you enter your answers directly on the bubble sheet rather than circling answers in the exam booklet and then transferring them to the bubble sheet.
A short-answer question is typically focused on a single topic. In some instances, a scenario or other data may be provided, followed by several short-answer questions.
A case is a complex, multi-faceted scenario, accompanied by questions that help guide your answer. Cases generally provide relevant and irrelevant information – you must determine which of the information is important. The questions that accompany the case may be relatively direct and focused or of a more general nature. An example of a general question could be to evaluate the situation presented in the case. In this example, you would apply general case guidelines to structure your response.
The following general tips can be applied to exams with either short-answer or case questions. A more detailed structure for case analysis can be found in the academic support section of the CSI Web site that pertains to your course.
In a case exam, it is recommended that you approach the questions in the order presented, as the information often builds from one part of the exam to the next.
For short-answer questions, start with the questions you feel most confident about, and leave the ones you are unsure of for later in the exam. That way, you will build your confidence with the early questions while your mind starts working in the background on the other questions.
Marks and recommended time allocations are stipulated for each part of a short-answer or case exam and for each question within a part. Please note, however, that the time allocation for each question is only a recommendation based on the complexity of the question and on the mark assigned to it.
Each question usually has more than one required element – make sure to address all aspects of each question in your answer.
1. Working with others
You may discuss questions with other students and consult experienced investment industry personnel. However, each student must write his or her own answers. You are fully responsible for the final preparation and wording of your work. This applies to all students, including those who are related or who work for the same company.
The following are considered to be unethical practices:
2. Preparation
3. Due Dates