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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
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Meet the highest standards of experience & education for financial professionals with CSI certificates, designations & fellowship.
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Join an elite group of leaders in financial services and make a meaningful impact for your clients with the Fellow of CSI (FCSI®).
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Master financial planning skills with the ISO and FSRA-certified Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation.
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Learn how to manage money on a discretionary basis for sophisticated clients with Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®).
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Establish your credibility to address the unique needs of affluent clients with Certified International Wealth Manager (CIWM).
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Gain expertise in the regulations and tax implications that are crucial for management and transfer of wealth with MTI®.
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Talent Pro connects organizations with qualified and licensed candidates to fill active opportunities in the banking industry.
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Talent Pro connects organizations with qualified and licensed candidates to fill active opportunities in the banking industry.
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During Financial Literacy Month we aim to help Canadians understand their finances better & navigate the changing economic landscape.
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CSI Podium offers designation holders opportunities to speak on topics to benefit their clients, colleagues, and the investing public via webinars.
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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
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FSRA has approved the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) designation for Financial Planner title use in Ontario.
Home > Credentials > Publication of Enforcement
As an FSRA approved credentialing body, the Canadian Securities Institute investigates consumer complaints and other matters where a credential holder or designation holder may have failed to meet their respective Code of Ethics.
Allegations of a violation of any Code of Ethics are managed by the Designation Ethics Committee according to the CSI Ethical Misconduct Process. If the Committee determines a violation occurred, a disciplinary sanction is recommended.
CSI will update this page with any violations found against a credential holder or designation holder. In addition, CSI will update the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) Directory and the Designated Financial Services Advisor (DFSA™) Directory on a members status, should it change.
If you have an issue that you would like to report, please provide details using the link below.
The individuals listed below have been found to have breached the their Code of Ethics and have received disciplinary sanctions. Individuals who have been suspended or have their designation revoked have updated statuses on the Personal Financial Planner (PFP®) Directory and the Designated Financial Services Advisor (DFSA™) Directory.
Name | Designation | Location | Date of Decision | Case Summary | Disciplinary Action |
Jeong Heon Shin (aka Abraham Shin) | PFP® | North York, ON | 21-Dec-23 | During a hearing with FP Canada, Abraham Shin admitted to borrowing money from a client, misappropriating client funds and using personal client data without consent. | Banned permanently from using the PFP® designation. |
Heather Lynn | PFP® | Niagara Falls, ON | 19-Dec-23 | The MFDA found that Ms. Lynn used pre-signed forms in 2012 and 2014. There was no financial gain by the designation holder. | Suspension of the PFP® designation for 60 days. |
Meagan Taylor | PFP® | Oakville, ON | 23-Oct-23 | Megan Taylor reviewed client profiles that were not directly related to her business. | Suspension of the PFP® designation for one year from the date of the application (May 2023). |
Azam Abu-Saud | CIM® | London, ON | 23-Mar-23 | Recent Bankruptcy 2022: Financial advisors are required to remain under supervision for a period of one year. Failure to disclose the bankruptcy on the CIM (Canadian Investment Manager) renewal applicatiion. | Suspension of the CIM® until they have been discharged from their bankruptcy. |
Azam Abu-Saud | FCSI® | London, ON | 23-Jan-23 | Recent Bankruptcy in 2022: The Fellow of CSI (FCSI) designation is highly esteemed and signifies a commitment to financial responsibility and ethical standards. | Suspension of the FCSI® until they have been discharged from their bankruptcy. |
Sergio Salina | CIM® | Victoria, BC | 22-Sep-22 | Several breaches of industry regulations, breaches involved switching an elderly client from a no-load account to an equivalent DSC fund without proper notification, failing to inform the holder's firm in a timely manner about being a beneficiary in a client's will, and obtaining numerous pre-signed client forms. | Suspenion of the CIM® designation application for five year from the date of the application. |
Troy Hale | PFP® | Medicine Hat, Alberta | 23-Jun-22 | Processing redemptions and purchases of mutual funds, instead of processing switches, and using pre-signed forms. | Suspenions of the PFP® designation application for one year from the date of the application |
Abraham Shin | PFP (not registered) | Toronto | 1-Dec-21 | Admitted to borrowing money from a client, misappropriating client funds and using personal client data without consent. | Banned permanently from using the PFP designation. |
Nelson Young | FCSI® | Vancouver, BC | 1-Dec-21 | Improper discretionary trades involving multiple client accounts in January 2021. | Suspenion of the FCSI® Fellow for one year from the date of the application. |
Daniel Gosselin | CIM® | Toronto | 1-Dec-20 | Between October and December of 2016, engaged in improper trading that could potentially manipulate the market. | Suspenion of the CIM® designation application for one year from the date of the application. |
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