What is the course syllabus?

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Course 1: Client Discovery

The Client Discovery course is focused on helping clients articulate their needs and prioritize their goals. The course also examines the principles of behavioural finance,

Course 2: Tax Planning

The Tax Planning course addresses tax issues as part of the financial planning process.

Course 3: Retirement Planning

In Retirement Planning, students focus on opportunities to minimize the impact of taxation on the client’s financial situation. The course looks at issues such as life transitions, family, and health with the aim of helping clients move closer to the future they envision.

Course 4: Estate Planning

The primary subject of Estate Planning is personal risk management as part of a fully integrated wealth management plan. Course topics also include will planning under Canadian law and the strategies clients can use to reduce the cost of probate.

Course 5: Foundations of Investment Management

The focus of Foundations of Investment Management is on client objectives and constraints, investment policy statements, strategic asset allocation, periodic rebalancing, and mutual fund selection. The course also discusses the tactical approach to making investments that diverge from long-term benchmark weightings. Finally, it looks at managed products, including exchange-traded funds, hedge funds, and alternative mutual funds.

Course 6: Retirement Planning Income and Products

Retirement Planning Income and Products details various investment products and strategies, including bonds and preferred shares, high-yield fixed-income and real return bonds, ETFs, index-linked GICs and more. The course also covers factors such as market trends and risks that relate to portfolio longevity.

Course 7: Practice Management for Mutual Fund Representatives

The final course, Practice Management for Mutual Fund Representatives, looks at effective goal setting and self-management when operating a mutual fund practice. Topics include designing effective marketing campaigns, improving personal productivity, and the mutual fund representative’s regulatory obligations and responsibilities.