What will you learn about?

This CE course will explain how a client’s retirement changes the focus of an investment strategy. It will describe the different types of products that produce retirement income and explain how to improve portfolio returns. Upon completion, the advisor will have learned about all the investment products and services that will be necessary to help meet the needs and goals of clients who are entering into this stage of their lives. This 3-lesson course will teach the advisor appropriate investment strategies along with new products and services created with the client’s needs in mind.

What is the course syllabus?

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Lesson 1: Investing During Retirement

Section 1 - In this section, you will read about:

  • Risks of Reverse Dollar Cost Averaging
  • Risk of Market Correction in Transition Phase before Retirement
  • Risk of Inflation
    • How Inflation Hurts Retirement Portfolios
    • Inflation and Secular Trends

Section 2 - In this section, you will learn about the types of income available to your client in retirement:

  • Types of Income
    • Interest
    • Dividends
    • Capital Gains
  • Types of Income Arising from Depletion of Capital
    • Return of Capital
    • Annuity Payments
    • Systematic Withdrawal Plans

Section 3 - Become familiar with some sophisticated fixed income strategies:

  • Fixed Income Risks and Strategies
    • Fixed Income Risks
    • Fixed Income Strategies
      • Laddering
      • Barbells Strategy
      • Bullets Strategy

Lesson 2: Fixed Income Products and Equities

Section 1 - In this section, you will read about:

  • Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)
    • Guaranteed Return GICs
      • Compound Interest GICs
      • Regular pay GICs
      • U.S. GICs
      • Redeemable (or cashable) GICs
      • Escalating (or step-up) GICs
      • Laddering Package of GICs
      • Extending and Blending GICs
    • Variable Return GICs
      • Interest-linked GICs
      • Market-linked or Index-linked GICs
  • Bonds and Debentures
    • Convertible Bonds and Debentures
  • Principal Protected Notes (PPNs)
  • Mortgage-backed Securities (MBS)
  • Real Return Bonds

Section 2 - In this section, you will learn about the types of equity strategies:

  • Equity Strategies for Income
    • Dividends
    • Split Shares
    • Covered Call Writing
    • Income Trusts

Lesson 3: Mutual Funds, Annuity Products, Monetization

Section 1 - In this section, you will read about:

  • Mutual Funds
    • Bond Funds
    • Dividend Funds
    • Monthly Income Funds
    • Life-Cycle Funds (LCFs)
    • Segregated Funds
  • Annuity Products
    • Types of Annuities
    • Annuity Features and Special Types

Section 2 - In this section, you will learn about:

  • Monetization Strategies and Reverse Mortgages
    • Monetization Strategies
    • Reverse Mortgages

Section 3 - In this section, you will become familiar with:

  • Investment Products Specifically Designed for Retiring Boomers
  • Recent Innovations in Income Products and Solutions
    • Income Management Accounts
      • Simplification of Income Sources
      • Simplification of Collecting Income and Making Payments
    • Ways to Provide Flexible Income
      • Variable Annuities
      • Tax-Efficient Income through Return of Capital (ROC) PPNs
      • Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GMWB)