For all questions related to CIRO’s Proposed Proficiency Model, please visit CIRO’s webpage or email


Enhance your knowledge of retail asset management. The Investment Management Techniques (IMT®) course equips you with the skills needed to service retail clients from a broader investment portfolio perspective. From selecting individual securities to evaluating performance and explaining returns to clients, you’ll build a solid foundation in investment management.

What skills will you develop?

Prepare for registration as a portfolio manager. The IMT® is designed to provide a deeper understanding of applied skills such as investment policy statement development, asset allocation strategies, portfolio performance evaluation, and securities analysis.

Who should enrol?

Enrol in the IMT® if you’re:

  • Wanting to expand your knowledge of investment management
  • Involved in managing client funds
  • An investment advisor or registered representative
  • Looking to become a licensed discretionary portfolio manager

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