The Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) has proposed changes to its proficiency rules including changes to the current mandatory courses offered by the Canadian Securities Institute (CSI). Under these proposed rules, subject to approval by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), CIRO will be moving towards an assessment centric proficiency model for Approved Persons of Investment Dealers. For more information on CIRO’s proposed rules, please refer to the CIRO website. If you have any questions on how the proposed changes may impact you, please reach out to

Hours of study: 50 – 60 Hours

Enrolment Period: 1 Year

What is the CCO exam weighting?

Exam Topics Weightings
The Role of Compliance and Formal Compliance Structure 15%
Canada’s Regulatory Environment and Basic Securities Law 13%
CCO Skill Requirements 21%
Implementation of Skills 39%
Regulatory Investigations and Reporting 12%

What is the CCO exam structure?

Structure Information
Exams 1
Exam Format Proctored (remote or in-person at a test centre)
Exam Duration 3 Hours
Question Format Multiple-choice
Questions Per Exam 100
Attempts Allowed Per Exam 3
Passing Grade 60%
Assignments None

What Continuing Education (CE) credits will you earn?

CIRO-ID Compliance10
CSF General Subjects 5
CSF Compliance 15
ICM Life Insurance5
CIRO-ID Professional Development20
CIRO-MF Professional Development5
PFP Compliance10
CIWM Professional development20
PFP Professional development20
CIM Compliance10
CIM Professional development20
CIWM Compliance10
CFP Practice Management30
QAFP Practice Management30
CIRO-MF Business Conduct - Other8
ADVOCIS Structured Learning CE30

View CE credits for all CSI courses and all associations.

While CSI makes every effort to ensure that the information is up-to-date, we are unfortunately unable to fully guarantee its accuracy. The information listed in the chart may be subject to change.

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