What will you learn about?

  • Explain the impact of potential market movements on your clients’ retirement plans based on past trends.
  • Explain the misconceptions about dividends.
  • Identify and explain the causes of time value of fluctuations.
  • Illustrate the effects of the time value of fluctuations on the income generated by a portfolio in retirement and its capital value.
  • Assess the growth or gains required to recover from losses within a client’s investment portfolio during retirement.
  • Explain how reverse mortgages and other strategies can be used to monetize a home
  • Distinguish between income funds and bond funds, and explain the risks associated with fixed income investments.
  • Describe the strategies used by fixed income fund managers including laddering, barbells, and bullets.
  • Explain how covered call writing can enhance income produced in an income-generating mutual fund, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of the strategy
  • Describe the features, benefits, and risks of preferred shares.
  • Differentiate between the various types of preferred shares.
  • List the assets that high-yield fixed income funds invest in, and describe some of the unique coupon structures that may exist.
  • Explain how a Government of Canada real return bond works.
  • Explain how ETF dividends and distributions work, and summarize the additional risk of tracking error.
  • Describe the use and features of life-cycle funds.
  • Describe the structure, suitability, risks, and benefits of Index-Linked GICs.
  • Describe the structure of mortgage-backed securities along with their benefits and risks.
  • Describe the structure, suitability, risks, and benefits of Index-Linked GICs.
  • Describe the structure of mortgage-backed securities along with their benefits and risks.
  • Explain the role that annuities can play in a client’s retirement plan.
  • Distinguish between straight life, joint life, term-certain, and deferred annuities.
  • Describe the various annuity options available for specific solutions.
  • List the issues that an advisor should consider when recommending annuities.
  • Identify the features that distinguish segregated funds from mutual funds.
  • Explain the maturity guarantee feature of a segregated fund.
  • Explain the role that guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits can play in a client’s retirement plan.
  • Describe the types of guarantees available with a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit.
  • Describe the benefits and costs of guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefits.

How will you learn?

CSI’s online learning system helps you meet your study goals. You’ll benefit from:

  • Learning objectives and goals that keep you focused
  • Interactive tools to help you evaluate and apply course material
  • Course updates
  • Assistance from CSI’s academic support specialists

What is the course syllabus?

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Module 1 – Portfolio Longevity in Retirement CIRO CE PD Credits: 3

In this module, you will learn how to determine the amounts retirees can withdraw from their portfolios during retirement while retaining enough value to last through their remaining years. First, we discuss the effects of market trends on the longevity of a retirement portfolio and the way market risk relates to fluctuations in the portfolio market. We then explain the effect of dividends on a retirement distribution portfolio and address some common misconceptions in this regard. We also describe the factors that can cause distribution portfolios to suffer permanent losses if they are not considered when making retirement projections, and we explain how to calculate the percentage by which a portfolio will have to increase in value to recover from setbacks . Finally, we look at the role a home can play in generating income to support retirement.

Topics covered in this module:

  • The Impact of Market History
  • The Role of Dividends
  • The Time Value of Fluctuations
  • Loss Recovery
  • Monetization Strategies, Reverse Mortgages, and Other Strategies to Generate Income Using the Home

Module 2 – Income-Generating Investment Funds CIRO CE PD Credits: 2

This module focuses on fixed income investments and strategies used to generate investment fund income. First, you’ll learn about fixed income risks and strategies. The module also describes a variety of income-generating investments, including funds that focus on preferred shares, covered calls, high-yield fixed income, and real return bonds. Finally, we cover fixed income exchange-traded funds.

Topics covered in this module:

  • Fixed Income Risks
  • Fixed Income Strategies
  • Covered Call Writing
  • Preferred Shares
  • High-Yield Fixed Income Funds
  • Real Return Bonds
  • Exchange-Traded Funds
  • Life-Cycle Funds

Module 3 – Index-Linked GICs and Mortgage-Backed Securities CIRO CE PD Credits: 2

In this module, you will learn how index-linked guaranteed investment certificates work and the circumstances under which they should be used. You will also learn about mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) and their legal structure. Finally, the module highlights the benefits and risks of MBSs and identifies the clients who are suitable candidates for these types of investments.

Topics covered in this module:

  • Index-Linked Guaranteed Investment Certificates
  • Mortgage-Backed Securities

Module 4 – Annuities and Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit Plans CIRO CE PD Credits: 2

In this module, we discuss several annuity-based products that are designed to provide an income stream for clients in their retirement years. We explain how the various types of annuities work, including products that have annuity-type features and benefits. We also describe some strategies for putting these products to work for suitable clients.

Topics covered in this module:

  • Understanding Annuities
  • Types of Annuities
  • Segregated Funds
  • Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit Contracts

Module and Course Completion

Upon successfully completing each course module (by completing the module’s online quiz), you will earn multi-jurisdictional continuing education (CE) credits as shown in the table below. Thus, you will earn CE credits incrementally as you progress through the course.

Once you complete all modules in this course, you will have completed the full course. You can then download a Notice of Course Completion through your student profile. This notice will remain on your profile as formal confirmation of your course completion.