What is the Underwriter’s role?

The Underwriter’s job in the Insurance industry is to understand and quantify the risk of life insurance and other insurance products. Underwriters both assess the risk of loss and assess the appropriate premium to cover this risk. Underwriters often have a strong background in business, accounting, or actuarial work. Ease with using insurance industry proprietary software, as well as data banks, is also important.

What are the responsibilities of this role?

  • Understanding the all of the risks associated with an insurance product
  • Familiarity with a broad range of economic, demographic, and other trends affecting the assessment of risk
  • Ability to work with outside sources of information including medical reports, actuarial studies and external data banks
  • Implementing the firm’s policies and procedures

What is the earning potential for this role?

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What are the required & recommended credentials and courses?

Below are the courses and credentials required and/or recommended for this career.

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