What are the requirements to earn a FCSI®?

To become a Fellow of CSI (FCSI®), applicants must complete the below requirements.

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The FCSI® requires applicants to complete an approved education path.

Work Experience

FCSI® applicants must have at least 7 years of financial services work experience within the last 10 years prior to being granted the Fellowship. CSI will assess all FCSI® applicants for compliance with the experience requirements.

The Experience Audit Process:

  • A request for confirmation will be sent (by email or telephone) to the verifier provided by the applicant on his or her application form.
  • A copy of the request will be sent to the applicant, so they know they are being assessed.
  • Contacts will be asked to provide confirmation within 30 days of the request.
  • If the confirmation is not received, CSI will notify the applicant and a copy of the notification will also be sent to the work experience contact.
  • If a response is not received within 30 days, the applicant and the contact will be contacted again.

Misstated or fraudulent reporting of experience will be reported to the Designation Ethics Committee as a violation of the FCSI® Code of Ethics and will be considered according to the Ethical Misconduct Process.

Code of Ethics

When applying for the FCSI® you must commit to the FCSI® Code of Ethics.


You are also required to agree to the terms of the FCSI® Trademark License Agreement, which grants you the right to use the FCSI® trademarks in your own marketing.

License Application and Fees

The initial application fee is $325 and includes your license fee for the year, your commitment to the maintenance requirements and your Fit and Proper Declaration.

If you have met the above requirements, apply now, and harness your potential with the FCSI®.


Supervisor Endorsement

Provide contact information for an individual who is either a direct supervisor or a sponsor who is a practicing FCSI® and who will endorse your application.

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